Fillmore County Hospital and Fillmore County Medical Center have been actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation as it develops on a daily basis. We are working closely with our local public health department – Public Health Solutions, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). In order to protect our patients and staff, we have implemented the following precautionary measures:
- The main entrance to FCH will be locked at 5:30pm, the Behavioral Health entrance will be locked at 4:30pm. After hours visitors and patients will need to present through the Emergency Room. Clinic Hours remain as they are now: open until 6:30pm Monday – Thursday and until 5:00pm on Friday.
- All persons entering our facility will be asked a brief series of screening questions to determine if you are at risk for the COVID-19 virus. This includes patients for routine appointments or visitors.
- FCH patients who have outpatient appointments (Physical Therapy, Cardiac or Pulmonary Rehab, Specialty Clinic, Touchstone, etc.) are instructed to enter through the main hospital entrance, not the Clinic entrance.
- People experiencing symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, and other respiratory symptoms are asked not to visit at this time. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we ask that you call either the Clinic (402-759-4485) or Hospital (402-759-3167) prior to coming in.
- If you need immediate, emergent medical attention, we ask that you present to the hospital Emergency Room as you normally would. It would be helpful to call ahead if you are experiencing symptoms as described above so that staff can appropriately prepare and protect you, themselves, and other patients.
This is a rapidly changing situation and the precautions we take for patients and visitors entering our facility may change. We will update you as things change – please check back here for updates. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding of the extra precautions that we must take at this time as we strive to keep our patients, staff, and communities that we serve healthy.
For additional information about COVID-19, the following link to the CDS website is very helpful: