Adult Services
Individual Services
Traditional Outpatient Therapy-TOP
Traditional Outpatient Therapy is an individualized mental health service provided by a licensed clinical therapist to offer assessment, education, and individualized treatment plans through individual and/or family counseling.
Medication Management
FCH provides medication consultation and management services for children and adolescents.
Perinatal Services
1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men experience depression or anxiety during the perinatal mental health period. The perinatal period includes your pregnancy and up to 12-months postpartum. Services include individual therapy with a licensed therapist trained in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders; Access to case management services; and Referrals to community agencies who can provide additional support.
Trauma Informed Services
We are aware of the complex impact of trauma on a person’s wellbeing. A variety of our therapists have received trainings and experience to integrate a thorough knowledge of evidence supported approaches to treatment, including Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) and Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT).
Substance Use/Recovery Services
Solution Based Recovery is a program designed to evaluate, diagnose and treat problematic substance use or other problematic behaviors that have negatively impacted people lives. This program recognizes that addiction can come in many forms and affect individual and families in many different ways. This program includes court approved alcohol and drug evaluations for adults and juveniles, individual therapy, family therapy and access to agency hosted Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Therapy focuses on finding solutions and motivation to recover from addiction and/or problematic behaviors in a non-judgmental environment.
Gambling assistance
If you or a loved one are being affected by problematic gambling, we can help. Gambling presents in many forms such as Keno, Scratch games, Candy Crush, Pickle cards, etc. There is no-cost treatment available, sponsored by the Gambling Assistance Program of Nebraska. Our treatment is individualized, family-first focused, and offer flexible scheduling including video appointments.
Additional Resources
Circle of Security Parenting- COSP
Circle of Security Parenting is an 8-week program based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. Learning objectives of the program include understanding your child’s emotional world by learning to read the emotional needs; supporting your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions; enhancing the development of your child’s self-esteem; and honoring parents’ innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure.
QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught Gatekeeper training in the world. Components of the training include How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal, How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide, The common causes of suicidal behavior, The warning signs of suicide, and How to get help for someone in crisis.
Each service provided by FCH BH has its own unique set of criteria and guidelines for effective treatment. Our therapists are trained to help assess your needs and provide clinical recommendations appropriate for every individual situation.